Lifestyle Wine Drop
One Kourt is all about showcasing responsibly farmed wines from across the globe. These winemakers go out of their way to do things the slow way, or as we say, the right way, and most certainly not the easy way.
Welcome to the One Kourt Lifestyle. These are the wines we drink, the wines you will find on our dinner table shared amongst friends & family. So, once a month, we want to drop these wines into your world.
If we're doing our job, these will be wines you've never tasted or even heard of before. As wine professionals, we are always tasting, always searching for new wines - growing our proverbial 'wine rolodex' to keep things interesting. Let us bring the fruits of that curiosity directly to you.
1-bottle drop is picked up at our space in Greenport.
3-bottle drop is shipped to you, for free, as long as your state allows it.
Click 'Join Wine Drop' for subscription options & shipping information.
Click 'Gift 3 Bottle Drop' to send one month of our wine drop as a gift.
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